Calmus Ensemble, an award-winning a cappella quintet from Germany, presents a program spanning centuries of sacred and secular carols from Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and the Americas. Captivating audiences worldwide with their refined and exhilarating performances,...
The 2015/16 season opens with the fabulous Canadian soprano, Marie-Josée Lord. Charismatic with a powerhouse voice, Ms. Lord is an audience favourite on the world’s opera stages, television and radio. Ms Lord teams up with violinist, Uliana Drugova and...
The marimba is not an instrument we hear every day! Discover the rich sounds of this beautiful instrument with one of the world’s most celebrated marimbists, Anne-Julie Caron. Joining her on piano is Akiko Tominaga to present Les plaisirs d’hiver— a program of rich...
Expect to be enthralled by the arresting young Canadian pianist Ian Parker. Raised in a family of pianists who have become a cornerstone of Canada’s musical scene, Parker is a down-to-earth guy with an enormous talent. He is known for connecting to audiences and...
We cap off our season with one of our audiences’ favourite concerts – Young Musicians Extraordinaire. This year we present Mari Coetzee, cello, and Angela Ryu, violin – two extraordinary young musicians on the cusp of exciting musical lives. You will be saying, “ I...