Postlude Notes
Another evening of snow and cold temperatures didn’t deny the fortunate High River Gift of Music concert-goers on Friday, January 31 the thrill of “The Art of the Piano.”
Jane Coop’s artistry on the keyboard dazzled with sonatas from Scarlatti and Beethoven, then some variations from Brahms, a scherzo by Chopin, and finally two studies of paintings with Rachmaninoff. While Brahms is her favourite, Coop admits, “sometimes they are all emotionally overwhelming.” Often quoted as “an artist of unusual distinction,” it is no understatement to say that the audience discovered just how unusual and how distinctly Ms. Coop interprets the art of the piano.
Retired from thirty-three years on the faculty of University of British Columbia’s School of Music, Coop concentrates on concert touring along with participation in festivals and competition judging. She said she “especially appreciates the intimacy of small-town audiences,” and generously donated her fee for her High River performance to the High River Gift of Music Society.
Another donation of the evening came from St. John’s Music in Calgary who covered the cost of the piano tuning prior to the concert. The High River Gift of Music Society is deeply indebted to these gifts that help bring these wonderful artists to a little town that can rebuild after disaster strikes.
“ An artist of unusual distinction”
-New York Daily Times